05/22/23- Disciple informs me of an event held supposedly as a shoutout to yours truly.
05/23/23-- I make a drop informing my followers on 8chan that I will be attending the rally. Unfortunately I had lost track of time and got the wrong date and posted that I'd be there the 24th, but I realized I had business to attend to the 24th anyway.
05/24/23-- I receive a fortune cookie that stated, "Only show your true face to those who matter most."
05/25/23-- I drove down I-17 to reach 1700 W. Washington, which intersects with 17th Ave. through the Rose Mafford Way. (Those of you who follow this forum know the Rose as a symbol and the holy grail.) I had to make a quick restroom stop at a Jack in the Box before we got there, and at the JITB there was a sign on the wall with the words "Still Secret" written on it.
It turns out I was, because there were no outsiders or insiders to welcome me, but when I gazed upon the 17 foot tall statue atop Arizona's capitol dome, entitled, "A Winged Victory," from the corner at 1700 W. Washington and 17th Avenue, I felt surely welcomed by a power greater than any that existed within those halls.
Lt Frank Luke Jr found his Wings and could certainly fly.
Mary Magdalene and I took a tour of the museum under the Winged Victory dome, and learned a little more about Arizona. One gentlemen gave us a tour of an Arizona themed model railroad, and at the end of his guided tour he showed us the last display, and said, "We call this one the Phoenix Lights." It was a fitting statement to end the tour considering the unexpected 17 bomb on the day's journey.
This next one is some powerful synchronicity for Mary Magdalene and I, but you'd have to know us to understand how. Hint: this painting is very similar to a specific tarot card.
I expected you all to be waiting like you had in Texas. It turns out the UFO is hard to see because it's in da skies.
As we left, Hobb's top aide resigned.
There is no such thing as a coincidence.
It's time to break the silence
Nothing can stop what is coming.
You can find me in their guest book.
We told you it would be biblical.
Can you see the power of God?