On 07/18/22I woke up to get ready for my day job and at the gas station I looked down and saw this:
Then I looked up and saw this rainbow and a dove flew across it. The dove looked white in the distance in contrast to the darkness of the cloud behind the rainbow:
Then, while at my day job a hawk swooped down from the cliffs and soared only a few feet overhead. It was spectacular.
On my drive home I saw this amazing cloud, so I pulled off to observe. I witnessed it change as the sun set, but at one point it looked like a crowned man kneeling in prayer. Then a Q formed in the cloud, can you see it?
This was a few days after I had a revelation about the meaning of this sign (Psalm 68:4):
This sign was at the end of the bike path I rode every day during the plannedemic (Hermit Road, Grand Canyon), Wings ride on clouds, but so people don’t get confused, the English version states: “Lift up a song, to him who rides across the desert.” I was a hermit riding on this road through the desert during the summer of 2020 when everything was shut down.
[B]ird i[S] the [W]ord